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Aufruhr am gymnasium eines deutschen provinzstadtchens um 1905. Prim professor immanuel rath finds some of his students ogling racy photos of cabaret performer lola lola and visits a local club, the blue angel, in an attempt to catch them there. However, his marriage to a coquette whose job is to entice men proves to be more. Unvergessliche meisterwerke, allesamt digital uberarbeitet, in erstklassiger qualitat. Deutsche filmklassiker weimarer kino 1920 1931, 6 dvds.

Written by carl zuckmayer, karl vollmoller and robert liebmann with uncredited contributions by sternberg it is based on heinrich mann s 1905 novel professor unrat. Seeing lola perform, the teacher is filled with lust, eventually resigning his position at the school to marry the young woman. Jetzt deutsche filmklassiker weimarer kino 1920 1931 als dvd online bei bestellen. Deutsche filmklassiker weimarer kino 19201931 deluxe.

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